Kamloops Sports Council
Groups KSC Supports
The Kamloops Sports Council has a renewed commitment to being an important player in the support of Sport in Kamloops. The Sports Council has developed a Five-year Strategic Plan and a detailed operational plan that will see a variety of initiatives being moved forward. We are very excited about our plans, and we want the Sports Groups to be an integral part of the future of sports in Kamloops.

PLAY Kamloops
PLAY Kamloops is a steering committee made up of community organizations, non-profits, and government sectors who are working to share their expertise and teach the importance of physical literacy with all residents in our City. To learn more about what Play Kamloops does in our community, please visit their website.

KidsSport Kamloops
If you would like to play school or community sports but find the cost of registration and/or equipment prohibitive, KidSport Kamloops is here to help! Sports provide invaluable opportunities for kids to learn teamwork, fair play and dedication. Visit their website to learn if you qualify.