Oldstockers Men’s Broomball Team
Year of Induction: 2009
Oldstockers Men’s Broomball team won 8 BC Championships from 1979-92 which included taking 1989 and 1990 off, but came back to win the ’91 and ’92 titles to prove they were just that good. The Oldstockers under coach George Smith and manager Les Plato, also won consecutive City Championships during the days when the sport packed the Brocklehurst arena for Wednesday and Sunday night action.
The team represented Kamloops at seven Canadian Championships winning intermediate men’s gold in Cornwall in 1982 and bronze at the 1986 Nationals in Kamloops. The Oldstockers’ accomplishments also included gold medals at the BC Winter Games of 1980, 1991, and 1992 (the latter two serving as provincial championships as well).
The bulk of the team was together for the duration of its history and at the time many of the players transcended to soccer in the summer to stay in shape for broomball. The soccer team, Riversyde Auto, was inducted to the Kamloops Sports Hall of Fame in 2007.
Players who wore the black, gold and, white of Oldstockers broomball included goaltenders Carlo Beltrano and Wayne Fraser, defence Darryl Fuoco, Bruce Fuoco, Kenny Fuoco, Randy Will, Cliff Sagert, Bill Bryenton, Wayne Orcutt, Bobby Campbell, Rob Winter, Jamie Saklofsky, and Cam Carnegie, and forwards Richard Slater, Francis Ramunno, Victor Ramunno, Kim Clow, Joe Capone, Joe Norton, Gordie Miller, Domenic Decicco, Rudy Sundby, Ross Marchio, Randy Frilund, Kevin Gannon, and Carey Gannon.